
Invited Speakers

Prof. Abdelhamid ERRACHID EL SALHI
MICRO & NANOBIOTECHNOLOGIES Department at Institut des Sciences Analitiques, Villeurbanne, FRANCE
Prof. Abdelhamid Errachid is Full Professor Exceptional Class at the University Claude Bernard-Lyon 1. Prof. Errachid was head of the SIMS (Surfaces- (bio) Interface- Micro/nano Systèmes) group from 2009 until 2013 and now he is head of the Micro & Nanobiotechnology group. He is involved as principal investigator and team leader in several European projects under 5th, 6th, 7th and H2020 framework programmes: FP6: (DVT-IMP, MAPTech, SPOT-NOSED, Nano2Life, Ares, Vector), FP7 (SensorART, BOND and H2020 (HEARTEN), as well as NATO, INTAS and TEMPUS International projects and national Spanish projects (MIROMINCE, MINAHE I, MINAHE II and PETRI).

Prof. A. Errachid has an extensive expertise in the elaboration of a highly complex novel Low cost nano-devices on flexible substrate combining plasma treatments, submerged nano-contact printing, electroless deposition and electrochemical characterisation of biosensors using impedance spectroscopy. Professor A. Errachid is world recognized specialist in the field of silicon-based (bio)chemical sensors using field-effect transistors and micro/nanoelectrode structures. His interest areas and expertise are: Biosensors; Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy; Cyclic Voltammetry; Pspice; Electrochemical Detectionl Electroanalytical Chemistry; Electrochemical Analysis; Nanobiotechnology; Nanomaterials; Bioelectrochemistry; Amperometry; Electrochemical Engineering. His deep knowledge and understanding of the electronic devices structure as well as operation and interplay between (bio)chemical molecules and electronics, has resulted in development of new (bio)sensor devices. He has authored or co-authored over 320 High Impact Factor publications.

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali GÜLGÜN
Sabancı University, Istanbul, TURKEY
Dr Gülgün is a mechanical engineer (BSc. Bogaziçi University, 1988) who was later converted to a materials scientist (MSc. Michigan State University, 1990) and a ceramics engineer (PhD. University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, 1996). He is trained in synthesis of complex mixed oxide powders (UIUC and Tokyo İnstitute of Technology 1990) and in electron microscopy and spectroscopy (UIUC and Max Planck Institute für Metall Forschung, 1996-2000). He is currently a professor at Sabanci University in Istanbul, Türkiye. His research interests are interfaces, sintering, synthesis of inorganics, fuel cells, cement chemistry, and composite materials. Latest works are on recycling, construction materials for Lunar mission, and early interface reactions.

Prof. Horia IOVU
National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, ROMANIA
Horia Iovu is professor of polymer science and technology, chemical engineer, specialization in Composite Materials (Manchester Metropolitan University, U.K., 1994-1995), PhD in Chemistry and Technology of Polymers (1995); full professor since 1999 (Politehnica Bucharest – Department of Bioresources and Polymer Science); Member of the National Council for Research in Higher Education (CNCSIS) (2005-2011); President of the National Council for awarding the university titles in Romania, the field of Chemical Engineering (since 2006); Vice-Rector / Director of Council for Doctoral Studies (since 2012); Full member of the Romanian Academy of Scientists; Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), Fellow of the Romanian Chemical Society. Professional experience: composite materials-synthesis and design, nanocomposite materials based on polymer matrices reinforced with silicates, nanocomposite materials based on polymer matrices reinforced with carbon nanotubes / graphene, carbon nanotubes – modification and compatibilization, biomaterials for scaffolds, collagen-HAP-synthetic polymers composites, polymer-based drug delivery systems. Scientific activity: Group leader for the research group The Advanced Polymer Materials Group (since 2005) devoted to synthesis and characterization of new nanocomposites based on various polymers and reinforcing agents ( for various applications including bioengineering, author / coauthor of more than 205 papers published in WoS – rated journals, 6 books published at national level and 5 book chapters at international level, Editor-in-chief “Materiale Plastice” journal.

Prof. Dr. Rafael LUQUE
King Saud University, SAUDI ARABIA
Rafael Luque (PhD in 2005 from the Universidad de Cordoba, Spain) is currently Professor at the Department of Chemistry, King Saud University from Saudi Arabia and has significant experience in biomass and waste valorization practices to materials, fuels and chemicals as well as nanoscale chemistry, green chemistry and catalysis (900+ publications, h-index 106, >53,000 citations, 7 patents, 10 edited books). He serves as the Advisory/Editorial Board of several RSC, Elsevier, Springer-Nature and Bentham journals (>10). He has been named 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 Highly Cited Researcher (Clarivate Analytics).

Dr. Gabriele MELONI
The University of Texas at Dallas, U.S.A.
Dr. Gabriele Meloni is an Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Fellow, Dean and Cindy Sherry Profssor in Chemistry, at the University of Texas at Dallas, USA. Dr. Meloni’s research investigates the chemistry of metals in biological systems. Dr. Meloni holds a MS in Biotechnology from the University of Milan, Italy, and a Ph.D in Bioinorganic chemistry from the University of Zurich, Switzerland. Dr. Meloni has subsequently been a Marie Curie postdoctoral Fellow at the California Institute of Technology, USA, and Aarhus University, Denmark. Dr. Meloni established an independent research group at the University of Texas at Dallas in 2015 to implement a research program that builds on his bioinorganic chemistry expertise. Dr. Meloni’s research focuses on the development and application of biochemical and biophysical tools to characterize at the molecular level the structure, reactivity, and metal binding properties of soluble and transmembrane proteins and biomolecules involved in transition metal homeostasis. The research rely on a common bioinorganic chemistry denominator aiming at elucidating the mechanisms of transport, reactivity and coordination chemistry of essential and toxic transition metals, as well as metal-based complexes utilized as anti-cancer drugs or metal-based compounds in diagnostic. The Meloni research is supported by grants form the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Robert A. Welch Foundation.

Prof. Dr. Habil. Eng. Jarosław MYŚLIWIEC
Wrocław University of Science and Technology, POLAND
PhD in Chemistry, Full Professor in Materials Science, employed at the Wroclaw Universityof Science and Technology. Head of the Soft Matter Optics Group. Chairman of Materials engineering committee at the Wrocław branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences. His research activity is focused on micro- and nano photonics, non-linear optical effects in push-pull type of molecules, photochromic polymers and biopolymers, liquid crystal line systems and on the investigation of the light amplification properties (amplified spontaneous emission, lasing and random lasing) of organic systems.

Interests: disordered photonics; nonlinear optics; light amplification; liquid crystals; polymers and biopolymers; luminescent dyes; photochromic molecules.

Prof. Jose Javier Serrano OLMEDO
Center for Biomedical Technology, Polytechnic University of Madrid, SPAIN
Professor José-Javier Serrano-Olmedo was graduated in Telecommunications Engineering in 1990 and received his PhD in Telecommunications Engineering in 1996 from the Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). He carried out postdoctoral stays at the Center for Microelectronics (IMEC) in Leuven (Belgium) and the Institute for Environmental Research in Munich (Germany). He has been a university professor since 1990, and has been a visiting professor at the University of Castilla La Mancha. He is the Director of the Doctoral Program in Biomedical Engineering at the UPM and responsible for the EIT Labelled PhD Program in Biomedical Engineering and Health Systems (BeHealSy) at the UPM.

He is a member of the Life Supporting Technology Group, director of the Bioinstrumentation and Nanomedicine Laboratory of the Biomedical Technology Center of the UPM and also co-director of group 54 of the Center for Biomedical Research Network for Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine of the Carlos III Health Institute. He is currently focused on technologies for nanomedicine, mainly using nanoparticles for anti-cancer treatment applications, the development of biosensors based on the use of quartz-based resonant devices and electromedicine systems, as well as accessible and assistive technologies based on serious games, Virtual and augmented reality technology.

Prof. Dr. Cristian PICIOREANU
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, SAUDI ARABIA
Cristian Picioreanu is a Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia since 2021, following an academic career of 25 years in Delft University of Technology and 6 years in University Politehnica of Bucharest. His general research interest is in applying chemical engineering and computational methods to biological systems, environmental and bioprocess engineering. He has been internationally recognized for leading research in mathematical modelling of biofilms. Currently, he works on membrane processes for water treatment, bioelectrochemical processes and modelling coral ecosystems. Regular teaching included numerical methods, modelling and simulation, transport and separation, reaction engineering and he organizes several international postgraduate courses on biofilms, multiscale modelling and environmental biotechnology.

Olivier SIRI
Centre Interdisciplinaire de Nanoscience de Marseille, FRANCE
Olivier Siri obtained his PhD (1997) from the University of Burgundy in Dijon (France). He then worked as a post-doctoral fellow in the group of Prof. K. M. Smith's group at the University of California, Davis (1997-1998), and then in Prof. R. Neier's group at the University of Neuchâtel in Switzerland (1999). He joined the CNRS in 1999 at the University of Strasbourg and moved to Aix-Marseille University in 2005. He is currently Director of Research (CNRS) and group leader at CINaM laboratory (CHROMA team). He is also deputy director of CINaM. His main research interests focus on the synthesis of molecular and supramolecular conjugated pi-systems, with particular emphasis on elaborating structure/property relationships to highlight their potential as visible and near-infrared (NIR) dyes in photonics, as ligands in coordination chemistry and nanoscience, or as building blocks in materials science. He has authored and co-authored around 130 publications and 15 patent applications, and has given 100 plenary, keynote and invited lectures.

Assoc. Prof. Ron SMALDONE
University of Texas, Dallas, U.S.A.
Ron Smaldone was born in Detroit, Michigan and grew up in the surrounding suburbs. He attended the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor where he studied chemistry and performed research under the supervision of Prof. Leroy Townsend. After graduation he moved on to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where he joined the laboratory of Prof. Jeff Moore and studied the reactive sieving behavior of m-phenylene(ethynylene) foldamers. Upon receiving his Ph.D. in 2008 he began work at Northwestern University with Prof. Fraser Stoddart until accepting a position at the University of Texas, Dallas in 2012.

Prof. Mihaela STEFAN
The University of Texas at Dallas, U.S.A.
Mihaela C. Stefan received her B.S. in Chemical Engineering and Ph.D. in Chemistry from Politehnica University Bucharest, Romania. She worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher in Matyjaszewski’s group at Carnegie Mellon University from 2002 to 2003. She also worked as a research scientist in Richard D. McCullough's group at Carnegie Mellon University, synthesizing block copolymers containing semiconducting polythiophenes.

She joined the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Texas at Dallas in 2007 and is currently a Eugene McDermott Professor and Department Head. She received the NSF Career Award in 2010, the NS&M Outstanding Teacher Award in 2009 and 2017, the Inclusive Teaching Diversity Award in 2012, the President’s Teaching Excellence Award in 2014, Provost’s Award for Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentoring in 2015, and Provost’s Award for Faculty Excellence in Graduate Research Mentoring in 2021. She also received the Wilfred T. Doherty Award from the Dallas Forth Worth Local Section of the American Chemical Society in 2021. Her research group is developing novel organic semiconductors for organic electronics, biodegradable and biocompatible polymers for drug delivery applications, and rare novel catalysts for polymerization of dienes and cyclic esters. At the University of Texas at Dallas, she supervised 42 graduate students, and 25 Ph.D. students graduated with a Ph.D. in Chemistry under her supervision. She also mentored ~150 undergraduate students who worked on her research lab on various projects.

Prof. Aura TÂNTARU
Aix-Marseille Université, FRANCE
Aura Tântaru is currently associate professor at Aix-Marseille University in France. She obtained her PhD in 2004, in co-tutorship between Université de Provence (France) and University of Bucharest (Romania). Afterwards, her formation pursuit with a post-doctoral fellowship at Manchester University (United Kingdom) and was recruited as an assistant professor at Aix-Marseille University in 2008.

During her doctoral and post-doctoral research training, she acquired a double analytical expertise in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometry (MS). Her research work is focused on the structural characterization of complex systems (polymers, dendrimers, natural products) using combined analytical approaches based on MS and NMR. She developed many scientific collaborations at national and international level (Italy, Taiwan, China, Canada, Czech Republic etc). Beside her research projects, she disseminates a rich teaching activity in analytical techniques for all level students (BSc, MSc, PhD).

Prof. Stefan Ioan VOICU
National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, ROMANIA
Stefan Ioan Voicu is Professor at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnologies starting his career in 2009, with a Bachelor in Organic Chemistry (from 2005), Ph.D. in Polymeric Membranes (from 2008), and Habilitation in Chemical Engineering (from 2016). He published 15 books and book chapters (Wiley, Springer Nature, Elsevier), >80 peer reviewed scientific papers with Hirsch index 38, total number of citations 4700+. The main research interests are related to polymeric membranes for biomedical applications with outstanding contributions in the field of surface functionalization methods for hemodialysis and osseointegration and polymeric membranes for water purification (first report in literature for membranes with self-indicating properties, that change the color surface during filtration process). Except academic activity, Prof. Voicu has also experience in the field of industrial research, being for two years Research Scientist at Honeywell Automation and Control Solutions, Sensors Laboratory with 3 granted US Patents (US 7,695,993 B2, US 7,867,552 B2, US 7,913,541 B2) developed in the field of metallic surface functionalization for SAW chemical sensors. He served as editor at different prestigious publishing houses, like Elsevier or Springer Nature.