During your stay in Mamaia you can have a good time at the beach, hop on the Telegondola for some vistas over the area or have some fun at Aqua Magic Water Park. Also, you can visit a lot of touristic sights in Constanța, which is a few kilometres north-east, such as: the old Casino and the surrounding promenade, the Dolphinarium, Tomis Marina or The Aquarium.

The Telegondola (Cable Car) makes for both a fun and a useful way to get from the southern parts of Mamaia to the centre, while offering some excellent views.

With a capacity of 3000 seats, the Aqua Magic Water Park is provided with 14 modern water facilities, thanks to which the day spent inside the park will be an unforgettable one.

The old Casino and the surrounding promenade was opened in 1911. It was built in the Art Nouveau style and conceived by two architects, Petre Antonescu and Daniel Renard (of Swiss extraction but born in Romania). Despite being in a state of disrepair nowadays, it can be visited for free. It's an amazing piece of architecture that definitely deserves a visit.

The Dolphinarium began its activity on June 1, 1972, being the first museum form of this kind in Romania and the first one in the S-E of Europe at that time. The exhibition presents the world of the shell fish living in diverse seas. The shows are organized in the amphitheatre with a pool, with dolphins from the Phocaena relicta species and Delphinus delphis ponticus species, with seals from the South Atlantic.

Tomis Marina is one of the famous locations of the city of Constanta for both tourists and locals. Regardless of the season, the Tomis marina area is the choice for those who want to admire the sea either from the car or through a leisurely stroll.You can get aboard a tour boat from the Tomis marina which will take you on a trip to the open seas and back.

The exhibition space is marked out for the presentation of the permanent aquatic flora and fauna exhibition in 57 tanks, and also for the temporary exhibitions with aquatic biological and ecological themes. An inedited museum institution for natural sciences in our country due to its exhibition patrimony made up entirely of living organisms, the aquarium in Constanta also has naturalized collections of marine and fresh water fish and invertebrates belonging to different geographical areas of the Earth.To facilitate the presentation of aquatic life and the visitors’ access to information, the exhibition patrimony consists of over 100 species (1300 exemplars) aquatic creatures and is structured into several sections. The distribution of aquatic organisms into sections is based on ecological and bio-geographical criteria, and within the sections the taxonomic criteria was taken into account for placing the different species into the tanks.