
Plenary Lectures

Prof. Abdelhamid ERRACHID EL SALHI Point-of-Care System Based on Silicon Technology: Good Tools for Electrochemical Analysis of Complex Samples
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali GÜLGÜN From Waste to a ''Greener'' Cement: Materials Science and Mineralogy at Work
Prof. Horia IOVU Trends in synthesis and processing of advanced biocomposites
Prof. Dr. Rafael LUQUE Benign-by-design methodologies for a more sustainable future: present and future
Dr. Gabriele MELONI Metal-Thiolate Clusters Assembly, Reactivity, and Selectivity Bias in Human Metallothioneins
Prof. Dr. Habil. Eng. Jarosław MYŚLIWIEC Multiphase organic molecular systems for light amplification
Prof. Jose Javier Serrano OLMEDO The initial findings of the efficacy of novel magnetic and optical particle-mediated hyperthermia systems for glioblastoma multiforme and melanoma uveal
Prof. Dr. Cristian PICIOREANU Challenges in multiphysics computing of membrane processes
Olivier SIRI A journey in the world of colors
Assoc. Prof. Ron SMALDONE Chemical Design Tools for 3D Printing Smart, Functional Materials
Prof. Mihaela STEFAN Amphiphilic Polycaprolactone Diblock Copolymers for Drug Delivery of Anticancer Drugs
Prof. Aura TÂNTARU Combined Analytical Approches for the Structural Characterization of Molecular Systems
Prof. Stefan Ioan VOICU Polymeric membranes: the solution for drinkable water availability at global scale